Please call us on : 020 7247 7136

Free Range Milk from Cows with the Freedom to Graze for 180 Days of the Year

Many people think that all cows live in fields. But, did you know that there are less and less cows enjoying the freedom to graze lush pastures and big dairies are mixing milk from hundreds of farms, denying consumers the chance to choose the provenance of their milk?

A recent survey showed that a whopping 86% of UK adults agree that dairy cows in the UK should be able to graze on pasture and should not be permanently housed indoors. People are waking up to the fact that not all milk is the same and are demanding a more informed choice.

Jones Bros are here to offer you that choice and add real value to your business. We have partnered with Cotteswold Dairy and the Free Range Dairy Network to bring great tasting British Free Range Milk to London!

Don’t just take our word about the taste. Our whole milk has been awarded accreditation from the Great Taste Awards 2016.

The Pasture Promise label on our milk, is independently certified to provide a clear assurance that cows are free to graze in fields for at least 180 days a year.

Choose Free Range Milk to demonstrate your commitment to keeping cows in fields and keeping traditional British dairy farms in business and let your customers taste the difference.

The Free Range Dairy Pasture Promise™ logo is the only logo that certifies milk as Free Range, from cows put out to pasture for at least 180 days of the year. So if it’s not on there, it’s not Free Range!

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Contact us

If you have any questions or special requirements then please get in touch, we would love to hear from you.

Call us on 020 7247 7136

Or send us an email
Top tips

  • 1.Keep your milk refrigerated below 5C* to keep it fresher for longer
  • 2.Keep milk on the shelves in your fridge as these are much colder than the door
  • 3.Use your milk in strict rotation making sure all old stock is used before starting on the new
  • 4. If your office switches the power off over the weekend, your milk will not be kept cold in the fridge. Try reducing your milk orders towards the end of the week to avoid wastage.

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Jones Bros, 16c Blount Street, London, E14 7BZ Phone: 020 7247 7136, Fax: 020 7247 9362, Email:

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